Freekeh is wheat that has been harvested early (while the grains are still tender and green), parched, roasted, dried and rubbed. It’s a delicious alternative to other grains and forms of wheat. Freekeh can be used in many lightweight hiking meals: pilafs, soups, curries and even for breakfast!
Where to buy
- You can often find freekeh in good delis or Middle Eastern food stores. Many major supermarkets stock it as well.
- Freekeh is sometimes spelled frikeh or farik.
If you can’t find freekeh, you can generally use coarse burghul wheat (also known as bulgar wheat) instead.
Using this ingredient in camping meals
- Freekeh can be used instead of other grains in many camping dishes. It’s good in pilafs, curries, stews, soups and other hiking meals.
- If you have access to fresh water, you should rinse your freekeh before cooking. A mesh bag is really helpful with this.
- To cook, place rinsed freekeh in cold water, bring to the boil, reduce heat and allow to simmer for 20-25 minutes until tender.
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